AppImage or Flatpack of Obseron



  • Obseron Support

    Hey Robin,

    We've had no plans to package into an AppImage, Flatpack or any alternative to those, but we have gotten some inquiries about Ubuntu versions so we'll look into that next.

    While CentOS Stream sounds troublesome, in most cases it will probably be much like the current release versions (like 6, 7 or 8 were) as most system are offline installations and do not get updated that often.

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  • Jan Pospíšil

    Hello, this is the only mention of Ubuntu in the FAQ, so I am leaving a comment here. Are there any intentions of supporting Debian systems, such as Ubuntu in the future? If so, do you have an estimate on when it would be possible?

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  • Obseron Support

    Hi Jan, a version with support for Ubuntu LTS (Long Term Support) will be released 1st of February 2022.

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  • Jan Pospíšil

    Hello again, are there any updates on Obseron release for Ubuntu?

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  • Obseron Support

    Hey Jan,

    The release got delayed a bit, the new date for the next major version and Ubuntu LTS version will be available 28th of February 2022.

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