There are two ways to create a video clip: multiplexed video from multiple cameras (all selected cameras appear in one matrix at a time) (method 1) or a single camera at a time (method 2). The file format is always mp4.
Method 1
Select cameras that you want to include in the video clip. From these cameras a multiplexed video in the way it is displayed on the screen will be created. It might be a good idea to create a new tab and open cameras to it.
Use the timeline to search the desired start point. If needed, learn how to use the timeline from here.
- After the start point has been selected, right-click the timeline and select Start Selection.
- Select the desired end point for the video clip and right-click the timeline again and select End Selection. The selected time interval will be highlighted on the timeline.
- If several time selections are needed, right-click the timeline and select Add Selection. These three steps can be repeated as many times as needed.
After marking all the desired selections, right-click the timeline again and select Create Video Clip. Now you can choose the video quality, resolution and frame rate. You can also create a time-lapse video by selecting Make a time-lapse video. Select the destination folder using the Browse button and change the file name if necessary. Create a video clip with the Save button. Obseron will begin creating a video clip.
Marked selections from the timeline can be deleted by right-clicking the timeline and selecting Clear All.
Method 2
Use the timeline to search the desired start point. If needed, learn how to use the timeline from here. Put the pause on.
- Right-click the desired camera image and select Video clip from the radial menu.
An icon and counter will appear at the bottom of the image. - Press play and the counter will start running. You can switch between cameras while playing. The icon and counter will move to the clicked camera.
- Press pause when you reach the desired end point.
- Create a video clip by clicking the icon at the bottom of the picture or by selecting Video clip from the Radial menu. Now you can choose the video quality, resolution and frame rate. Select the destination folder using the Browse button and change the file name if necessary. Create a video clip with the Save button. Obseron will begin creating a video clip.
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